Panther Athletics

We take great pride in our athletics! In the past decade, PHS has produced 47 Conference Champs, 21 Regional Champs, 11 Sectional Champs, 11 Team State Qualifiers, and 3 State Titles (Girls Soccer in 2023 & 2024 and Wrestling at 170lbs in 2023).

Nearly half of all Plymouth High School students are involved in athletics, including interscholastic competition in 22 WIAA sports. Go Panthers!

PHS pawprint logo

Quick Links

PHS calendar of events
PHS Extracurricular Guide
Plymouth Panther Athletics YouTube Channel
PHS Homecoming
WIAA Home Page
Healthy Concessions Ideas Guide

Athletic forms

ALL of the following must be brought to the PHS office before a student can practice:

Athletic Physical Card / Evaluación Física Previa A La Participación (signed and dated by a physician) – OR – Alternate Year Physical Card (signed and dated by a parent/guardian)
WIAA Athletic Eligibility Form (Signature page needs to be signed and dated by athlete and parent/guardian.)
PHS Activity/Athletic Honor Code (Signature page needs to be signed and dated by athlete and parent/guardian.)
Concussion/Cardiac Form (Signature page needs to be signed and dated by athlete and parent/guardian.)
• $85 PHS Social & Extracurricular Fee

WIAA-endorsed sports

Baseball - Baseball website - Baseball Instagram - Baseball X (Twitter)
Basketball - Boys - Boys Basketball website - Boys Basketball Facebook
Basketball - Girls - Girls Basketball website - Girls Basketball Facebook
Cross Country - Cross Country website - Track/Cross Country Instagram
Football - Football website - Football Facebook - Football X (Twitter)
Golf - Boys - Boys Golf website - Boys Golf X (Twitter)
Golf - Girls - Girls Golf website
Hockey - Boys - Boys Hockey schedule - Hockey Facebook
Hockey - Girls - Girls Hockey schedule
Soccer - Boys & Girls - Soccer website - Soccer Facebook
Softball - Softball Facebook
Swim & Dive - Boys - Swim & Dive Facebook
Swim & Dive - Girls - Girls Swim & Dive website - Swim & Dive Facebook - Girls Swim & Dive Instagram
Tennis - Boys - Boys Tennis website - Boys Tennis Facebook
Tennis - Girls - Girls Tennis website - Girls Tennis Facebook - Girls Tennis Instagram
Track & Field - Track & Field website - Track/Cross Country Instagram
Volleyball - Volleyball website - Volleyball Facebook - Volleyball Instagram
Wrestling - Wrestling Facebook - Wrestling Instagram

Other sports opportunities

Bowling Club
Dance Team -Dance Team website - Dance Team Facebook - Dance Team Instagram
Northern Kettle Moraine Nordic Ski Team - Ski Team website - Ski Team Facebook
Trap Shooting - Trap Shooting website - Trap Shooting Facebook

Athletic trainer

Yoshi Ono

Training room hours: 2:30pm-6pm school days
Cell Phone: 419-889-3426

Aurora Sports logo

Athletic passes

Passes, good for all regular-season home games this school year, can be purchased in the PHS office during normal business hours or at any sporting event where admissions are collected. These nontransferable passes cost $30 for adults and $10 for students. PHS student admission is covered by the yearly activity fee, but students must have their student ID with them. No admission is charged for those younger than kindergarten and those ages 62 and above.

Regular-season, single-game admission prices are $5 for adults, $2 for students in grades 5-12, and $1 for children in kindergarten through 4th grade.

Please note: Playoff games have different pricing, set by the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association.