Horizon Staff


Matthew Mueller - Principal - matmueller@plymouth.k12.wi.us

Office Staff

Donna Olig - Secretary - dolig@plymouth.k12.wi.us


Robin Hoopman - School Counselor - rhoopman@plymouth.k12.wi.us - Mrs. Hoopman's website
Tina Helmer - School Psychologist - thelmer@plymouth.k12.wi.us


Kim Pelzel - kpelzel@plymouth.k12.wi.us


Janel Eernisse - jeerniss@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Cady Meyer - cmeyer@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Horizon 5K website

1st Grade

Julie Dentz - jdentz@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Katie Miller DePagter - kmiller@plymouth.k12.wi.us

2nd Grade

Kaitlyn Watry - kawatry@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Anna Loppnow - aloppnow@plymouth.k12.wi.us

3rd Grade

Jackie Murphy - jsmurphy@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Jacob Spies - jspies@plymouth.k12.wi.us

4th Grade

Noelle Allison - nallison@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Andrew Arentsen - arentsen@plymouth.k12.wi.us


Jessica Barrington - Pegasus/Gifted and Talented Coordinator - jbarrington@plymouth.k12.wi.us - G&T Program website
Michele Schneider - Fine Arts Teacher - mischneider@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Jennifer Erdly - Music - jerdly@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Brad Shutter - Physical Education - bshutter@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Megan Quade - Literacy Coach and Interventionist - mquade@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Margaret Gnadt - Interventionist - megnadt@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Hannah Golden – ELL Teacher – hgolden@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Liz Grosskreutz - Early Childhood - lgrosskreutz@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Amy Bogenschuetz - Educational Specialist - abogensc@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Olivia Lanser - Educational Specialist - olanser@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Deanna Milz - Educational Specialist - dmilz@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Alexa Scharenbroch - Educational Specialist - alscharenbroch@plymouth.k12.wi.us


Anne Nelson - School Nurse - annelson@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Lisa Gajewski - Occupational Therapist - lgajewski@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Jenny Morris - Occupational Therapist - jemorris@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Matthew Olig - Occupational Therapist - molig@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Kristin Vorpahl - Physical Therapist - kvorpahl@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Carrie Nickel - Speech-Language Pathologist - cnickel@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Kristen Bright - Speech-Language Pathologist - kbright@plymouth.k12.wi.us

Support Staff

Heidi LaBudde - Head Custodian - hlabudde@plymouth.k12.wi.us
Paul Barron - Custodian
Jess Anderson - Educational Assistant
Annette Bunyea - Educational Assistant
Jessica Davis - Educational Assistant
Angela Goelzer - Educational Assistant
Michelle Klecka - Educational Assistant
Tracy Kreisa - Library Educational Assistant
Emily Mauk - Educational Assistant
Remington Michael - Educational Assistant
Karen Miller - Educational Assistant
Beth Montgomery-Burns - Educational Assistant
Sara Nennig - Educational Assistant
Josh Oppeneer - Educational Assistant
Cathy Sabel - Educational Assistant
Hailey Stewart - Educational Assistant
Natalie Voight - Educational Assistant
Sara Christy - Food Service
Pam Goelzer - Food Service