Parkview kindergartners working with letter shapes at the light table

Parkview kindergartners shining brightly thanks to light table

Posted February 19, 2024

Kindergartners at Parkview Elementary School are developing literacy, math, and social skills using a new light table funded by the Plymouth Education Foundation.

“These foundational skills have a big impact for future learning and lifelong learning and career skills,” said teacher Jenny Noster, who requested the grant for her “Shine Bright with Light and Learning” initiative.

Mrs. Noster used about half of the $952 grant to purchase a light table from Lakeshore Learning, and the other half for accessories to use with it, including:

  • Letter shapes students can use to read words and create words
  • Math manipulatives such as numbers, shapes, and pattern blocks
  • STEM building materials to provide imaginative play and prompt science-related problem solving
  • Sensory play items, including an overlay that can hold water beads, rice, etc.

“The kids enjoy using the light table,” Mrs. Noster said. “They like building with the blocks I have and also like the magnetic letters and tactile letters. They also enjoy making their name and working with some letter building blocks that snap together. We also have shapes that the kids enjoy building with, too!”

In addition to academic benefits, the light table also builds social skills. “Students have to practice turn-taking, ask questions, solve problems, and make comments to other students regarding permission to use items or discussion about their creations, which are crucial life and future career-building skills,” Mrs. Noster said.

She thank the foundation for the grant, noting that the light table, which debuted last school year, is used regularly during free play, math work, and phonics/literacy time.

“This just adds another fun, motivating learning tool for the kids to explore and learn,” Mrs. Noster said. “These materials are highly motivating for 5- and 6-year-old students and allow them to implement instruction with independence and/or guidance from the teacher or staff.”

Learn more:
• Visit the Plymouth Education Foundation Grants webpage.
• Explore the Innovative Opportunities section of our interactive, award-winning District Report Card to learn more about how our students use modern, cool resources to learn.

students working making tangrams with shapes